Monday, December 5, 2011

I love you

Look what's coming up!
It's our anniversary on the 10th.

Our seven month anniversary

We have gone from Writing with Shelly
to Writing with Shelly and Chad

We have laughed and cried and rolled our eyes together.

We did a lot of rolling our eyes.
Just like in the first draft of a manuscript.

But I just love you all
and I probably say that just often enough
to keep you uncomfortable. 

Below is a post I did in July but never ended up publishing. But it's just silly enough to be read posthumously. (I love using that word incorrectly)
So without further ado...


Happy Blogiversary 
If you didn't know I celebrate anniversaries by the month- like a junior high couple going steady. This, my friends, would be my 2 month anniversary! *shrill scream and jumping up and down*

Stats as of the 10th

Blog Followers- 197

Twitter Followers- 473

Facebook Friends- 1109

Awesome People- Numberless

I'm pretty shocked myself. I blame you guys. It's your fault. (I learned that in therapy ;)
If you guys weren't so darn awesome I would be swimming in the big empty expanse of cyberspace all by myself. (Eeek, I don't 'do' by myself very well!) I don't think there is a community out there that heeds the wise council of Bill and Ted, to be excellent to each other, as much as writers and readers. *group hug*

If you want to know my part in all of this I offer this recipe (to be followed explicitly):

Don't clean your house
Chat with cool people online all day (kinda like Kip)
Visit blogs, fall in love with them, follow them
Make ramen for dinner

Now this plan is not for everyone. Especially people who have jobs or wish to please their spouse. But it's working for me ;)

If you want to see what Randy Lindsay has observed about my quick growth go HERE
He did a wonderful blog post about growing your platform and he used Writing with Shelly as his example. I was really flattered, totally didn't see that coming!

And while you're over there, follow the guy. 
He's a pretty cool writer dude.  
So what are you still doing here? 
(This is what I chant to my Chia Obama)


  1. Shelly you crack me up. You already have an Obama Chia what am I going to get you for Christmas? Drat! I'll have to start over.

  2. LOL! Oh my word girl - you are hilarious! Happy Blogoversary! And oh- the memories of junior high relationships! hehe. Gotta love it!

  3. I just stumbled onto your blog and it's great! My husband and I are also writers (ok, we are wannabe writers). Isn't it great to have a writing partner to discuss ideas? And we also have 5 children. I'd love to hear how you balance family and writing. Do you go to conferences, what time of day do you squeeze writing in, etc?

  4. What a pefect day to find your blog :-) ... congrats!!

  5. I am loving the recipe!!! And happy blogversary! The second month is HUGE:)

  6. Happy 7th anniversary... here's to many more :)

    (That Chia Obama is hilarious!)


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