Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Carryin' the Banner

Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

So who is
and why is Shelly writing about her ALL WEEK?

Well, besides the fact that Brenda is "Ab Fab," 
she is also one of the winners of the Poetry Schmoetry Blogfest.
She won with this haiku:


My missing marble
just turned up in the washer
Ah, my brain is fixed.


Pretty funny lady, huh?
Here’s a little more about her in her own voice


(this will be available on ereader in a couple of years for hundreds of dollars and you’ll be able to say that you read it on Shelly’s blog for free before anyone else knew who Brenda Sills was. You can thank me later.)

I’ve loved writing since I was a kid. I even skipped recesses to write my stories—much to the frustration of my friends. I also loved art and majored in that very thing since I wanted to illustrate all sorts of stuff.

Well, I met my Prince Charming, created some kids and some art, and then one day, I thought, huh, what about that writing thing I used to do? I miss that. I think I’ll write a novel.

And so I did. 

My dive into the writing world's been wild. You know, like that crazy high cliff in Brazil where people jump off into the ocean—scary and exhilarating. And my Husband, Kids, Mom, Dad, Siblings, and Writer Friends all cheer me on, making the dive phenomenal.


For years and years, I dreamed of writing and illustrating children’s picture books, so I surprised myself when the magnetic idea to write a novel pulled me into writing land. I wrote what I loved and ended up with an adult novel I call a Feel-Good Mystery.  The story begins with an old photo, a cipher, and a girl who can’t leave them alone.

I had a blast researching my book through my collection of old letters, books, magazines, photos, etc. The relics of the past fascinate me and I end up lost in a bygone world where the people there say they’re still living, still vital.

I sent my book through a critique group, pitched it to a couple of agents, queried just one. But before I go crazy querying more agents, I’d like to enlist some beta readers to read my book.  Then I’ll be off!

Just as I love to read all sorts of books, modern and old, I enjoy writing different genres. Right now, I’m writing a YA Alternate Reality Fantasy—the beginning of a series.

I write with my favorite pen and a tablet. There’s something insanely creative and real to me about the ink flowing my words onto a sublime piece of paper.

Doesn’t she have a great voice?
You won’t regret it!
Espy the Curious


  1. I sense a Brenda and Newsies theme this week :) Is it just me?

  2. congrats again, brenda.
    shelly, you are doing a fab job hyping her up! your enthusiasm knows no bounds!
    ps i referred to your "blog is an ugly word" post and got enough response to take a survey for new words...tbd =)

  3. She sounds absolutely FAB! I hear the best things about her and can't wait to meet her in person one day. That haiku rocks. What a neat lady!

  4. Thanks you guys!!! Your comments sure do a heart good - what a wonderful lift you've given me.

    And thanks Shelly for having the faith that I'll be KNOWABLE one day! And how incredible it is for you to say something about me having a great voice - that means so much to me - I can't even begin to tell you how much. The thrill of hearing something like that is immensely buoying - it shoves discouragement aside!

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! To everyone who said such nice things! I hope so much that I get the great honor and pleasure of meeting you all one of these days. Au Revoir for now.


Comments are the sunshine butter on the toast of life.

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